Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Rummy - The Need For America In South East Asia

Secretary of Defense had a very good OPED piece in the Wall Street Journal about military alliances in Southeast Asia area. He specifically stated that there should be more participation from all area countries not to just counter balance the traditional threat from China, but to act swiftly in humanitarian ways as was demonstrated with America's quick response to the Tsunami that hit Indonesia.

Rummy is correct, but it was interesting how in the 80's most of these countries were asking for America to leave the area and we did. We left Clark Air Force Base and Subic Naval Base in the Philippines (good thing a volcano destroyed them anyways) only to be asked to return with the rising dragon to the north. Not only did our long traditional allies asked us to partol the water of South China Sea and the Indian Ocean, but our former enemy Vietnam indirectly encouraged the US to patrol the seas. America should and can protect the water ways in this vital area of the world. Over 60% tonnage passes through bottle neck straits in Indonesia. An America partnered with our traditional and newly developing allies will be in a stronger position not only counter an military or police actions, but also humanitarian actions.


At 10:55 AM, Blogger StratoCade said...

Hear hear. Finally someone else who agrees with Don Rumsfeld.

If anyone doubts our presence in the region is a stabilizing force, take a look at the incidence of piracy around Asia vs. Africa. 'nuff said.


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