Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Young vs. Old

So, after a stressful day at work interrupted by a friend telling me his moving plans and his new pleasure utensil, I get a call from another friend you want to run. So, I meet him out his house the first thing he said is I have a new route. The route took us into Rock Creek into Adams Morgan and then across Connecticut Ave. I said to him slow down because I have my sneakers on that causes my outside tendon to hurt.

He also pissed me off because the routes was mostly up hill. Oh and he is a young 24 guys and I'm a thirty year old pushing thirty-one soon. Well, he was 200 hundred feet of head of me and then 100 and then finally on about 5 feet ahead when the sprint to the house occurred. It was at this point that he began to lose and lose badly. I turned to him and said I always save enough strength for the race at the end because it matters only at the end. I was also teasing by saying look at this lineback speed. Point is the tortoise will always beat the hare.

Political point that I noticed on my run. There was a lawn sign that said slavery reparations. I wished the people who put that sign up where outside. It would have been worth to stop my run and hear their explanation for why America and America only needs to pay. Don't site Jewish People being paid by Germany because at least they have a proximate claim that Germany caused them injury and can prove their case. Not to mention that those who would claim injury are two generations removed from equal but separate (not really equal) laws. I would go more into this, but I'm tired and full from Chinese food.


At 11:56 AM, Blogger the doc said...

“I returned, and saw under the sun, that the race is not to the swift, ...but time and chance happeneth to them all.”
Ecclesiastes 9:11

You think 30-31 is old? Boy, have I got news for you.

One sign in the city? Does not sould like a rip-roaring ground swell of support there.


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