My Life Flashing Before Me!!!
I can only thank God that I was tired and recovering from my sickness, because if I was my regular self I would have been in an intersection be killed by a speeding black SUV. As I waited at the stop light I looked south noticing a sedentary police car with flashing lights. I then focused on the walk lights to determine when the light would turn green when I noticed the tan SUV heading east. I look see the light is green and see this black SUV speeding north.
Just like a spectator at NASCAR waiting for a crash, I too was watching for the inevitable. The black SUV was attempting to make the yellow light, but failed. He hit the tan SUV and came with in a foot of my vehicle before hitting the pole. The tan SUV kept spinning out of control hitting the median and then stopped within a foot of my car. I kept saying please don't hit my car which the main vehicle did not, but bits and pieces did.
After I just proceeded on my way. At first the rush of adrenaline hit me then I was thinking I should have stayed to see if they needed help. However, anger hit me because the black SUV in status vehicle, probably leased, was in a hurry and in doing so caused and accident. I don't think I would ever help someone that caused harm to another and themselves, plus the fine law enforcement down the street would be quick to react, well I hope they would be quick to react.
I saw something very similar to this about two weeks ago. An SUV was trying to make a "mad dash" on a neighborhood street by crossing a major street (4 lanes) just trying to get to the other neighborhood on the other side. In the process, they got T-boned and it rolled them onto their side. In this case, the idiot was hurt worst and was going to the hospital. The one that did the main T-boning (not her fault) basically stood off to the side pointing and talking smack about the driver whom was trapped in their suv still. At first I thought it was rude, then I realized, I would have been mad too if someone was running a stopsign just trying to get to the other side of the road and forcing me to T-bone them too.
Ok, sorry for the long rant, I just feel your pain.
Well, I knew my luck was running out as you can see by the new post.
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