What the Fuck is up with Texas?
I'm not holding all of Texas in contempt, but just the two alleged racist Caucasians that have lost all sense of humanity and love for their fellow man. So, at work I was walking by a TV and there was a story about a hate crime that occurred in Spring, Texas. CNN reported that the two alleged assailants and victim were at the same party. The Latino victim reportedly kissed a white girl which supposedly angered the two Caucasian teenagers.
The two alleged animals poured bleach on the Latino, beating him severely and sodomizing him with a lead pipe. The victim was left for dead. It is crimes like this that make me lose hope in humanity. I sometimes wonder how these kids could grow up without a sense of right or wrong. Have we as a society desensitizing them as to not even respect their fellow man? Have the parents failed to instill a sense of decency and tolerance in their children? I can only wonder did the kids learn to hate in the home. Were they taught that other races are inferior and that they are rats and can be treated just as pest and be eliminated as was taught the Nazis in Germany regarding the Jews.
Racism is not something that comes naturally to a person. He is a learned belief that is first instilled in the home. For this I say shame on the parents. I'm not saying I'm perfect. Hey, I grew up in Irish/Italian Catholic Family and I know that I learn certain racial remarks through them. However, although I learned those remarks, I also learned to respect people for who they are not for the color of their skin.
On a side note, many Northerners think the are intellectual superior and more tolerant than their Southern brotheren. I just want people to know that the greatest metamorphosed and recruiting of the KKK occurred in the north. It is the northern states that have the largest membership and concentration of KKK. So, next time you think the south is full of racist rednecks, you better look to your neighbors first.