Saturday, May 17, 2008

Holy Shit CNN!!!

So, I was having a drink at a local bar talking to an ex-Reagan Admin Official who happened to teach at my undergrad back in the 70s and then I saw something extraordinary. CNN was actually taking Jaime Rubin's claims about McCain and Hamas to task. Remember Rubin was in the Clinton Administration and supporter of Mrs. Clinton but in 2006 I guess he was a reporter for Sky News and interviewed McCain about Hamas. Well, Rubin wrote a piece in the the WAPO calling McCain a hypocrite, but CNN has now question that claim. CNN asked Rubin for the transcript and not just the snippets of film proving his claim. Mr. Rubin could not provide it, I wonder why. CNN then produced an interview a couple days after the Rubin's interview where McCain stated conditions to have talks with Hamas. Interesting McCain says conditions, Obama says no conditions, but Obama's Media and Democrats say McCain is hypocrite. Remember folks Obama said he would negotiate without conditions, just look at the debate video, but liberal media will never look at that, would they?

Oh, hey Carter how bout them Hamas acknowledging the existence of Israel. They acknowledged them alright by launching a rocket attack on a mall. You fucking coward Carter nice talking to terrorist and giving them validity.

P.S. I was playing name that Republican and realized the cards must have been written by liberals. Although some have said some very nasty things, I wonder if they would say what Sen. Bird has said about people of different colors and his one time Grand Wizard of the KKK. No, they could never say anything bad about him or his never voting for a Black Supreme Court justice.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Obama and foreign policy!!!

Well, Obama and the Democrats must feel guilty about something or maybe the truth hurts. Bush mentions a Senator who stated maybe if I talked to Hitler he would not invaded Poland and immediately Obama believes the President took a swipe at him. Maybe he did, but interesting how quickly Obama tried to deflect and twist his positions. He did say in the debate he would talk to terrorists without conditions.

Now the vanguard of the Democratic Party and plagiarizer in chief, Biden, are trying to confuse and distort the issue with the aid of the media. Not one question from the media on any of the validity statements from the Democrats. Remember it was these same Democrats blaming Bush for not negotiating with North Korea, Libya, or Iran. They said the Bush Administration are a bunch of hypocrites, but I don't see it. The administration and McCain have always wanted conditions on meeting with these ruthless leaders. One condition was the 6 party talks with N. Korea to involve the regional powers. Korea demanded only talks with US and Democrats were pushing for it because that type of unilateral discussion/decision was fine, although would affect everyone in the region. Now the Democrats are trying to distort as they always do. I think I'm angry because when it is a Republican making statements the media will question the speaker, but when it is a Democrat will turn a blind eye.
Below is Obama's foreign policy adviser or should I say appeaser talking about his comment and policy.
I love her last quote the herd mentality. I believe it is that mentality helping her candidate.

